I am officially joining the world of blogging. I absolutely love and adore reading my friends blogs.....and I am often humbled when I read them because my friends have such insight into life that I don't seem to have. So I have avoided blogging because I felt inadequate. But then I realized that feeling inadequate is one of my "issues" in life that I need to get over. I will never measure up. When you use Jesus as the model to strive for it is clear we all fall short. So I decided to dive in. We'll see how it goes.
At the moment I'm relishing in the season of Christmas and the magic of it all. Everywhere I look I seem to see the sayings, "Believe." Isn't that what it's about? Not only believing in the magic of all of it......and the power of Elfie to turn my children's behavior around. But believing in the real reason for this season. Believing in God choosing to come in human form. Believing that He is my hope and my help to get through this crazy thing called life.
This year it's a busy time........and our school district has us working through the 23rd. NEVER have I had to go to school on my birthday. This is the first time ever and boy I can tell you I'm not real thrilled about it. But I will be beyond thrilled when I'm greeted at 5:20 am (if I'm lucky) by a curly-topped bundle of 22 month energy to tell me happy birthday........followed by a four year old who wants to know if I want goofy on my birthday cake.........I can't wait!!!
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